What is Messaging Streak?
The Messaging Streak is a new addition to Messages to help you boost that relationships!
Messaging Streaks keep your relationships active and exciting! Chat with someone every day for at least 3 days straight and you’ll see this “fire emoji” icon next to the number of days of uninterrupted chatting!
Achieve long streaks to earn more from your fans! Challenge them to help you reach “fire emoji 100” or more!
More chats mean more $$$, so don’t waste any time and keep that fire alive to watch your earnings increase!
Why should you use Messaging Streaks?
Earn more money – Daily chatting brings daily $$$!
Member engagement – Your relationships will grow and solidify.
More interactions – Make your members addicted to you, so they’ll want to maintain the streak!
- Earn more money
- Each message boosts your income!
- Member engagement
- Your fans will think about you every day
- More interactions!
- Your fans will want to keep the streak going!
How it works
What does the
The fire emoji appears when you are on a Messaging Streak. That means you and your fan have been chatting every day, for at least 3 consecutive days.
What does the number next to
That number tells you the length of your messaging streak. For example, if you’ve been chatting for 9 consecutive days, you’ll see a 9 there. If you both don’t chat for 24 hours, your streak will end, and you’ll have to start all over again!
And what about the ⏳?
Look out: your messaging streak is about to end! This icon appears when your streak is expected to end in less than 3 hours!