LiveJasmin Protection is a program dedicated to protecting the earnings of our Models from unexpected changes outside of their control. This serves to give you peace of mind, so you won’t have to worry about banking errors or any other unexpected malfunctions affecting your income.
Get Protected
Models who earn $300 over two consecutive periods will automatically earn the Protected status.
Additional information:
- Earnings Protection is account based. The criteria needs to be met separately on each account for it to become Protected.
- The system may need a couple days after the end of a period to enable Protection to all Models who earn it.
- The Protection tool does not defend the Model from private complaints, refund requests or deductions due to violations.
Stay Protected
Protection never expires on its own if you have already earned it. You can go on holiday and not go online for extended periods of time and still stay protected.
- Models who commit a major violation (i.e. exchanging or accepting personal information, prohibited content, underage-related violations, etc.) for the first time will have their Protection status Suspended on all accounts. Please refer to our Penalty System for more information.
- Models may ask for their Suspended Protection status to be restored via email or our Support Chat. These cases will be evaluated individually, and the Protection status may be updated to “In Probation”.
- Models who commit a second major violation will be permanently Disqualified from the Protection program on all accounts.
LiveJasmin Protection does not cover those Surprise chargebacks sent using fraudulent purchases.